Super Yacht to Science Vessel

Yacht designer Steve Gresham and Alexander Flemming, from the ALUCIA 2 Project, explain how the world’s fleet of super-yacht philanthropic billionaires are helping to break boundaries in science and oceanography.

They discussed;

  • Exciting ideas about new tech, ‘facial recognition’ for fish - recognising types of fish and even if a fish is pregnant, to determine what fish should be thrown back and then given as open source tech.

  • Super-yachts can aid in getting access that allows science to explore the world and to capture information and then giving it freely.


  • The yachting community can reach hard to access areas and can look and explore fish, plankton, the sea-bed.

  • The bigger yacht’s can have labs and AUV’s (autonomous vehicles) onboard, diving ops and decompression chambers, submersibles and helicopter operations.

  • With all those exciting tools the super-yacht industry can be philanthropic and help the scientific community to get out there.


NEKTON working to connect scientists to yachts, collaborating with Oxford University, a fabulous idea where selected scientists, directors, ecologist, lecturers and professors explained their research and detailed what they required from a Yacht owner to aid them.

The panel members detailed the areas they are working in and in what way they are seeking yachts to aid them in gathering collective data around the world in the study of;

  • Black coral reefs.

  • DSL’s (deep scattering layer - millions of marine organisms, most particularly small mesopelagic fish, with swimbladders that reflect sonar.)

  • Subsurface ocean waves and internal tides.

  • Ocean Mantas and Reef Mantas which are fished for their gillplates, for medicine and are a tourist attraction plus the effects of having the largest population of ocean Mantas in the Maldives, right next to large fisheries.


When Yacht Lovers Become Explorers


BOAT: International Ocean Talks in London