The 17 SDG’s are structured around the five pillars of the 2020 Agenda:
People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships.

These 5 P’s highlight how the SDG’s are an intertwined framework, instead of a group of solo goals.
The progress on one P must balance and support the progress on another.


Clean water


The Sustainable Development Goals on ending poverty, hunger, allowing individuals to have good health and well-being, provision of quality education, access to clean water and sanitation, and striving for gender equality, surround the broad ambit of people


Climate Change is a roadblock to achieving the SDG’s and has disproportionate effects on the poor. Without concerted action, it could drive 100 million more people into poverty by 2030.
The SDG’s set a goal to protect the planet so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations.


Inequality is one of the defining issues of this generation and requires a commensurate focus that to date is still lacking. Ensuring prosperous and fulfilling lives, in harmony with nature, embodies the kind of prosperity the world must look to strive for in the next ten years.


Justice underpins the success of the SDG’s: from ending poverty and inequality, to ensuring no one is left behind. The world is still a long way away from becoming peaceful, but only through consciously working towards this goal can we make any progress in preventing violence and making communities more secure from top to bottom.


Mainstreaming, Acceleration, and Policy Support (MAPS) for SDG’s, direly need to sensitise all public and private stakeholders to own, implement and accelerate SDG’s in their respective capacities.

Together we can create a lasting impact and shape a better tomorrow