Citizen Science: What we can do today

Happy Whale tale

Brandon Harvey of The Polar Citizen Science Collective and EYOS Expeditions, talks HAPPYWHALE, a The Polar Citizen Science Collective project

HAPPYWHALE tracks individual whales throughout our oceans, aided by millions of whale watching enthusiasts to expand scientific knowledge of their behavior and share it.

You just set your cameras to local time, capture photos of whale sightings and upload to

Using the photos submitted by citizens, whales are being identified by their unique markings and using advanced image processing algorithms the photos are matched with scientific collections, making global whale tracking easier than ever before, plus citizens scientists can have fun learning about their whale.

Coming soon, is a new project, POLARTAG, where you will be able to upload photos of tagged animals you see, which goes directly to the researchers and you can even receive feedback.

And then we had a look at some incredible trips you could go on with EYOS Expeditions.


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